Interview Sunshine Squadron Applicants
Required: Pinayet Misses His Friend quest.
→ Go to Rylour Awnnys
YOU: Hail Rylour, what are you up to?
Rylour: I am on duty right now, but if you could help me conduct some interviews, I would be grateful.
Rylour: What say you?
YOU: Sure, I'll do the interviews for you.
Rylour: Three people have asked me about joining the Sunshine Squadron: Zak, Sinto Gheshd, and Taulim Wilaal.
Rylour: Let them know I sent you, collect their application forms, and ask them the following questions: Why did you apply?
Rylour: What are your skills?
Rylour: Can you use swords?
Rylour: Then return to me and hand me their forms.
→ Go to Zak
YOU: I was sent by Rylour to interview you.
Zak: So you're the Stonehammer who's here to interview me?
Zak: Yeah.
Zak: Go on.
Zak: This should be…
Zak: entertaining.
YOU: Tell me, why did you apply to become part of the Sunshine Squadron.
Zak: Because it pays well.
Zak: Yeah, I hear the Sunshine Squadron's got quite a nice treasury.
Zak: So I was thinking getting close to the Sunshine Squadron's serious Tria.
-Zak winks.-
YOU: And what skills can you offer to the squadron?
Zak: Daggers.
Zak: Sleight-of-hand.
Zak: And if you ever need someone to slit someone's throat in their sleep without making a sound?
Zak: Let's just say I haven't had any complaints.
YOU: Do you know how to use a sword in battle?
Zak: Well, not really.
Zak: I prefer daggers.
Zak: More easily concealable.
Zak: But if it was a short sword or something, I could probably do okay.
Zak: Here's my application.
Zak: I really hope you consider me.
Zak: It would be a shame if I'm not recommended.
Zak: A real shame.
-Zak glares at you.-
Zak: I hope I don't have to be any clearer.
→ Go to Sinto Gheshd
YOU: I was sent by Rylour to interview you.
Sinto: Ah, the Sunshine Squadron has answered me at last.
Sinto: By all means, ask your questions, Sir.
YOU: Tell me, why did you apply to become part of the Sunshine Squadron.
Sinto: I know that the Sunshine Squadron always needs good people.
Sinto: I also know that my services would benefit them.
YOU: And what skills can you offer to the squadron?
Sinto: I'm a martial artist by profession.
Sinto: I can counter any enemy in hand-to-hand.
YOU: Do you know how to use a sword in battle?
Sinto: Oh, my, no.
Sinto: My martial arts are empty-handed.
Sinto: I will never use a sword.
Sinto: By the way, here is my application form.
Sinto: Thanks for your consideration.
→ Go to Taulim Wilaal
YOU: I was sent by Rylour to interview you.
Taulim: I've been expecting a representative from the Sunshine Squadron.
Taulim: Interview away.
YOU: Tell me, why did you apply to become part of the Sunshine Squadron.
Taulim: While I have much respect for the Hydlaa guard, I know that the Bronze Doors are a much more important guarding position.
Taulim: We need more on the first line of defense.
Taulim: I feel as if by guarding the Bronze Doors, I can guard more than just Hydlaa, but all of Yliakum.
YOU: And what skills can you offer to the squadron?
Taulim: I'm trained in military discipline and strategy, I have guarding experience, and having grown up on a farm, I do have some hunting and tracking abilities - finding lost animals and so forth.
YOU: Do you know how to use a sword in battle?
Taulim: Absolutely.
Taulim: I've been using swords for about six years now.
Taulim: Short, long or great, I've used them all.
Taulim: I believe now is the time when I hand you my application.
Taulim: Here.
Taulim: And thanks.
Taulim: I hope to hear from you soon.
→ Go to Rylour Awnnys
YOU: I have completed the interviews and have their application forms.
Rylour: Alright.
Rylour: You've interviewed all three applicants.
Rylour: If you had to pick only one, who would you say is best suited to the Sunshine Squadron?
YOU: I would say Taulim Wilaal is the best candidate out of the three.
Rylour: Taulim, you say?
Rylour: I must admit upon meeting him, he seemed like the top choice as well.
Rylour: I suppose if I had any concerns about him, it would be that he is not being loyal to the Hydlaa guard.
Rylour: I will think on it.
Rylour: At any rate, I will take your opinion into consideration.
Rylour: Here is a consulting fee.
Rylour: If you are interested you should see our commander, Raithen.
Rylour: Word has it he is looking for someone to do a task for him.
Rewards: 30 Faction with Guard, 7310 Tria, 15000 XP.